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必应搜索 (Bing Search)




import os

os.environ["BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY"] = "<key>"
os.environ["BING_SEARCH_URL"] = ""
from langchain.utilities import BingSearchAPIWrapper
search = BingSearchAPIWrapper()"python")
    '由于<b>Python</b>的灵活性和强大的软件包生态系统,Azure CLI支持诸如自动完成(在支持它的shell中)、持久凭据、JMESPath结果解析、惰性初始化、无网络单元测试等功能。通过Dan Taylor使用<b>Python</b>构建开源和跨平台的Azure CLI。按版本号发布的<b>Python</b>版本:发布版本发布日期单击以获取更多信息。<b>Python</b> 3.11.1 2022年12月6日下载发行说明。<b>Python</b> 3.10.9 2022年12月6日下载发行说明。<b>Python</b> 3.9.16 2022年12月6日下载发行说明。<b>Python</b> 3.8.16 2022年12月6日下载发行说明。<b>Python</b> 3.7.16 2022年12月6日下载发行说明。在本课程中,我们将研究<b>Python</b>中的+=运算符,并通过几个简单的示例看看它是如何工作的。运算符“+=”是加法赋值运算符的简写形式。它将两个值相加并将总和分配给一个变量(左操作数)。W3Schools提供免费的在线教程、参考资料和练习,涵盖了Web的所有主要语言。涵盖了HTML、CSS、JavaScript、<b>Python</b>、SQL、Java等流行的主题,以及许多其他主题。本教程以非正式的方式向读者介绍了<b>Python</b>语言和系统的基本概念和特性。它有助于在手头有一个<b>Python</b>解释器进行实践,但所有示例都是独立的,因此教程也可以离线阅读。有关标准对象和模块的描述,请参阅<b>Python</b>标准...<b>Python</b>是一种通用、多用途、强大的编程语言。它是一种很好的第一语言,因为<b>Python</b>代码简洁易读。无论您想做什么,<b>Python</b>都可以做到。从Web开发到机器学习再到数据科学,<b>Python</b>都是您的语言。使用Microsoft Store安装<b>Python</b>:转到开始菜单(左下角的Windows图标),键入“Microsoft Store”,选择打开商店的链接。打开商店后,从右上角菜单中选择搜索,并输入“<b>Python</b>”。从应用程序结果下选择要使用的<b>Python</b>版本。在“Mac OS X的<b>Python</b>发布”标题下,单击最新的<b>Python</b> 3版本-<b>Python</b> 3.x.x的链接。截至本文撰写时,最新版本是<b>Python</b> 3.8.4。滚动到底部,单击macOS 64位安装程序开始下载。下载完成后,进行下一步。第2步:运行安装程序'



search = BingSearchAPIWrapper(k=1)"python")
    '由于<b>Python</b>的灵活性和强大的软件包生态系统,Azure CLI支持诸如自动完成(在支持它的shell中)、持久凭据、JMESPath结果解析、惰性初始化、无网络单元测试等功能。通过Dan Taylor使用<b>Python</b>构建开源和跨平台的Azure CLI。'



  • 片段:结果的描述。
  • 标题:结果的标题。
  • 链接:结果的链接。
search = BingSearchAPIWrapper()
search.results("apples", 5)
    [{'snippet': 'Lady Alice. Pink Lady <b>apples</b> aren’t the only lady in the apple family. Lady Alice <b>apples</b> were discovered growing, thanks to bees pollinating, in Washington. They are smaller and slightly more stout in appearance than other varieties. Their skin color appears to have red and yellow stripes running from stem to butt.',
'title': '25 Types of Apples - Jessica Gavin',
'link': ''},
{'snippet': '<b>Apples</b> can do a lot for you, thanks to plant chemicals called flavonoids. And they have pectin, a fiber that breaks down in your gut. If you take off the apple’s skin before eating it, you won ...',
'title': 'Apples: Nutrition &amp; Health Benefits - WebMD',
'link': ''},
{'snippet': '<b>Apples</b> boast many vitamins and minerals, though not in high amounts. However, <b>apples</b> are usually a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C. Also called ascorbic acid, this vitamin is a common ...',
'title': 'Apples 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits',
'link': ''},
{'snippet': 'Weight management. The fibers in <b>apples</b> can slow digestion, helping one to feel greater satisfaction after eating. After following three large prospective cohorts of 133,468 men and women for 24 years, researchers found that higher intakes of fiber-rich fruits with a low glycemic load, particularly <b>apples</b> and pears, were associated with the least amount of weight gain over time.',
'title': 'Apples | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health',
'link': ''}]