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Chaindesk平台将来自任何地方的数据(数据源:文本、PDF、Word、PowerPoint、Excel、Notion、Airtable、Google Sheets等)带入数据存储区(多个数据源的容器)。 然后,您的数据存储区可以通过插件或任何其他大型语言模型(LLM)通过Chaindesk API连接到ChatGPT。





from langchain.retrievers import ChaindeskRetriever
retriever = ChaindeskRetriever(
# api_key="CHAINDESK_API_KEY", # 如果数据存储区是公开的,则可选
# top_k=10 # 可选
    [Document(page_content='✨ Made with DaftpageOpen main menuPricingTemplatesLoginSearchHelpGetting StartedFeaturesAffiliate ProgramGetting StartedDaftpage is a new type of website builder that works like a doc.It makes website building easy, fun and offers tons of powerful features for free. Just type / in your page to get started!Daftpage版权所有 © 2022 Daftpage, Inc.保留所有权利。产品定价模板帮助和支持帮助中心入门博客公司关于路线图Twitter联盟计划👾 Discord', metadata={'source': 'https:/', 'score': 0.8697265}),
Document(page_content="✨ Made with DaftpageOpen main menuPricingTemplatesLoginSearchHelpGetting StartedFeaturesAffiliate ProgramHelp CenterWelcome to Daftpage’s help center—the one-stop shop for learning everything about building websites with Daftpage.Daftpage is the simplest way to create websites for all purposes in seconds. Without knowing how to code, and for free!Get StartedDaftpage is a new type of website builder that works like a doc.It makes website building easy, fun and offers tons of powerful features for free. Just type / in your page to get started!Start here✨ Create your first site🧱 Add blocks🚀 PublishGuides🔖 Add a custom domainFeatures🔥 Drops🎨 Drawings👻 Ghost mode💀 Skeleton modeCant find the answer you're looking for?mail us at support@daftpage.comJoin the awesome Daftpage community on: 👾 DiscordDaftpage版权所有 © 2022 Daftpage, Inc.保留所有权利。产品定价模板帮助和支持帮助中心入门博客公司关于路线图Twitter联盟计划👾 Discord", metadata={'source': 'https:/', 'score': 0.86570895}),
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