Zep Memory (Zep内存)
REACT代理聊天消息历史与Zep - LLM应用程序的长期记忆存储。
This notebook demonstrates how to use the Zep Long-term Memory Store as memory for your chatbot.
- 将对话历史添加到Zep记忆存储中。
- 运行代理并自动将消息添加到存储中。
- 查看丰富的消息。
- 在对话历史中进行向量搜索。
关于Zep的更多信息 (More on Zep)
主要特点 (Key Features):
- 快速! Zep的异步提取器独立于聊天循环运行,确保用户体验流畅。
- 长期记忆持久性,可以访问历史消息,无论您的汇总策略如何。
- 自动汇总基于可配置的消息窗口对记忆消息进行汇总。一系列摘要被存储,为未来的汇总策略提供了灵活性。
- 混合搜索记忆和元数据,消息在创建时自动嵌入。
- 实体提取器自动从消息中提取命名实体,并将它们存储在消息元数据中。
- 自动记忆和摘要的令牌计数,允许更精细地控制提示的组装。
- Python和JavaScript SDK。
Zep项目: https://github.com/getzep/zep 文档: https://docs.getzep.com/
from langchain.memory import ZepMemory
from langchain.retrievers import ZepRetriever
from langchain import OpenAI
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage, AIMessage
from langchain.utilities import WikipediaAPIWrapper
from langchain.agents import initialize_agent, AgentType, Tool
from uuid import uuid4()
# 将此设置为您的Zep服务器URL
ZEP_API_URL = "http://localhost:8000"
session_id = str(uuid4()) # 这是用户的唯一标识符
# 提供您的OpenAI密钥
import getpass
openai_key = getpass.getpass()
# 提供您的Zep API密钥。请注意,这是可选的。请参阅https://docs.getzep.com/deployment/auth
zep_api_key = getpass.getpass()
初始化Zep Chat消息历史类并初始化Agent (Initialize the Zep Chat Message History Class and initialize the Agent)
search = WikipediaAPIWrapper()
tools = [
# 设置Zep Chat历史记录
memory = ZepMemory(
# 初始化Agent
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=openai_key)
agent_chain = initialize_agent(
添加一些历史数据 (Add some history data)
# 预加载一些消息到内存中。默认的消息窗口大小为12条消息。我们想要超过这个数量以展示自动摘要的功能。
test_history = [
{"role": "human", "content": "Octavia Butler是谁?"},
"role": "ai",
"content": (
"Octavia Estelle Butler(1947年6月22日 - 2006年2月24日)是一位美国科幻作家。"
{"role": "human", "content": "她的哪些书被改编成电影了?"},
"role": "ai",
"content": (
"Octavia Butler作品中最著名的改编是FX系列剧《Kindred》,该剧改编自她的同名小说。"
{"role": "human", "content": "她的同时代作家有哪些?"},
"role": "ai",
"content": (
"Octavia Butler的同时代作家包括Ursula K. Le Guin、Samuel R. Delany和Joanna Russ。"
{"role": "human", "content": "她获得了哪些奖项?"},
"role": "ai",
"content": (
"Octavia Butler获得了雨果奖、星云奖和麦克阿瑟奖学金。"
"role": "human",
"content": "还有哪些女性科幻作家值得我阅读?",
"role": "ai",
"content": "你可能想阅读Ursula K. Le Guin或Joanna Russ的作品。",
"role": "human",
"content": (
"role": "ai",
"content": (
"《播种者的寓言》是Octavia Butler于1993年出版的一部科幻小说。它讲述了年轻女性Lauren Olamina在一个末日后的未来中生活的故事,社会因环境灾难、贫困和暴力而崩溃。"
"metadata": {"foo": "bar"},
for msg in test_history:
if msg["role"] == "human"
else AIMessage(content=msg["content"]),
metadata=msg.get("metadata", {}),
> 进入新的链条...
> 完成链条。
检查Zep内存 (Inspect the Zep memory)
def print_messages(messages):
for m in messages:
print(m.type, ":\n", m.dict())
The human inquires about Octavia Butler. The AI identifies her as an American science fiction author. The human then asks which books of hers were made into movies. The AI responds by mentioning the FX series Kindred, based on her novel of the same name. The human then asks about her contemporaries, and the AI lists Ursula K. Le Guin, Samuel R. Delany, and Joanna Russ.
system :
{'content': 'The human inquires about Octavia Butler. The AI identifies her as an American science fiction author. The human then asks which books of hers were made into movies. The AI responds by mentioning the FX series Kindred, based on her novel of the same name. The human then asks about her contemporaries, and the AI lists Ursula K. Le Guin, Samuel R. Delany, and Joanna Russ.', 'additional_kwargs': {}}
human :
{'content': 'What awards did she win?', 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': '6b733f0b-6778-49ae-b3ec-4e077c039f31', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.611232Z', 'token_count': 8, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [], 'intent': 'The subject is inquiring about the awards that someone, whose identity is not specified, has won.'}}}, 'example': False}
ai :
{'content': 'Octavia Butler won the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the MacArthur Fellowship.', 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': '2f6d80c6-3c08-4fd4-8d4e-7bbee341ac90', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.618947Z', 'token_count': 21, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 14, 'Start': 0, 'Text': 'Octavia Butler'}], 'Name': 'Octavia Butler'}, {'Label': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'Matches': [{'End': 33, 'Start': 19, 'Text': 'the Hugo Award'}], 'Name': 'the Hugo Award'}, {'Label': 'EVENT', 'Matches': [{'End': 81, 'Start': 57, 'Text': 'the MacArthur Fellowship'}], 'Name': 'the MacArthur Fellowship'}], 'intent': 'The subject is stating that Octavia Butler received the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the MacArthur Fellowship.'}}}, 'example': False}
human :
{'content': 'Which other women sci-fi writers might I want to read?', 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': 'ccdcc901-ea39-4981-862f-6fe22ab9289b', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.62678Z', 'token_count': 14, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [], 'intent': 'The subject is seeking recommendations for additional women science fiction writers to explore.'}}}, 'example': False}
ai :
{'content': 'You might want to read Ursula K. Le Guin or Joanna Russ.', 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': '7977099a-0c62-4c98-bfff-465bbab6c9c3', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.631721Z', 'token_count': 18, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'ORG', 'Matches': [{'End': 40, 'Start': 23, 'Text': 'Ursula K. Le Guin'}], 'Name': 'Ursula K. Le Guin'}, {'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 55, 'Start': 44, 'Text': 'Joanna Russ'}], 'Name': 'Joanna Russ'}], 'intent': 'The subject is suggesting that the person should consider reading the works of Ursula K. Le Guin or Joanna Russ.'}}}, 'example': False}
human :
{'content': "Write a short synopsis of Butler's book, Parable of the Sower. What is it about?", 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': 'e439b7e6-286a-4278-a8cb-dc260fa2e089', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.63623Z', 'token_count': 23, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'ORG', 'Matches': [{'End': 32, 'Start': 26, 'Text': 'Butler'}], 'Name': 'Butler'}, {'Label': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'Matches': [{'End': 61, 'Start': 41, 'Text': 'Parable of the Sower'}], 'Name': 'Parable of the Sower'}], 'intent': 'The subject is requesting a brief summary or explanation of the book "Parable of the Sower" by Butler.'}}}, 'example': False}
ai :
{'content': 'Parable of the Sower is a science fiction novel by Octavia Butler, published in 1993. It follows the story of Lauren Olamina, a young woman living in a dystopian future where society has collapsed due to environmental disasters, poverty, and violence.', 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': '6760489b-19c9-41aa-8b45-fae6cb1d7ee6', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.647524Z', 'token_count': 56, 'metadata': {'foo': 'bar', 'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'GPE', 'Matches': [{'End': 20, 'Start': 15, 'Text': 'Sower'}], 'Name': 'Sower'}, {'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 65, 'Start': 51, 'Text': 'Octavia Butler'}], 'Name': 'Octavia Butler'}, {'Label': 'DATE', 'Matches': [{'End': 84, 'Start': 80, 'Text': '1993'}], 'Name': '1993'}, {'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 124, 'Start': 110, 'Text': 'Lauren Olamina'}], 'Name': 'Lauren Olamina'}], 'intent': 'The subject is providing information about the novel "Parable of the Sower" by Octavia Butler, including its genre, publication date, and a brief summary of the plot.'}}}, 'example': False}
human :
{'content': "What is the book's relevance to the challenges facing contemporary society?", 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': '7dbbbb93-492b-4739-800f-cad2b6e0e764', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:19.315182Z', 'token_count': 15, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [], 'intent': 'The subject is asking about the relevance of a book to the challenges currently faced by society.'}}}, 'example': False}
ai :
{'content': 'Parable of the Sower is a prescient novel that speaks to the challenges facing contemporary society, such as climate change, inequality, and violence. It is a cautionary tale that warns of the dangers of unchecked greed and the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and the lives of those around them.', 'additional_kwargs': {'uuid': '3e14ac8f-b7c1-4360-958b-9f3eae1f784f', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:19.332517Z', 'token_count': 66, 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'GPE', 'Matches': [{'End': 20, 'Start': 15, 'Text': 'Sower'}], 'Name': 'Sower'}], 'intent': 'The subject is providing an analysis and evaluation of the novel "Parable of the Sower" and highlighting its relevance to contemporary societal challenges.'}}}, 'example': False}
Zep内存中的向量搜索 (Vector search over the Zep memory)
您可以使用支持传入Langchain Retriever
retriever = ZepRetriever(
search_results = memory.chat_memory.search("who are some famous women sci-fi authors?")
for r in search_results:
if r.dist > 0.8: # 只打印相似度大于0.8的结果
print(r.message, r.dist)
{'uuid': 'ccdcc901-ea39-4981-862f-6fe22ab9289b', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.62678Z', 'role': 'human', 'content': 'Which other women sci-fi writers might I want to read?', 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [], 'intent': 'The subject is seeking recommendations for additional women science fiction writers to explore.'}}, 'token_count': 14} 0.9119619869747062
{'uuid': '7977099a-0c62-4c98-bfff-465bbab6c9c3', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.631721Z', 'role': 'ai', 'content': 'You might want to read Ursula K. Le Guin or Joanna Russ.', 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'ORG', 'Matches': [{'End': 40, 'Start': 23, 'Text': 'Ursula K. Le Guin'}], 'Name': 'Ursula K. Le Guin'}, {'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 55, 'Start': 44, 'Text': 'Joanna Russ'}], 'Name': 'Joanna Russ'}], 'intent': 'The subject is suggesting that the person should consider reading the works of Ursula K. Le Guin or Joanna Russ.'}}, 'token_count': 18} 0.8534346954749745
{'uuid': 'b05e2eb5-c103-4973-9458-928726f08655', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.603098Z', 'role': 'ai', 'content': "Octavia Butler's contemporaries included Ursula K. Le Guin, Samuel R. Delany, and Joanna Russ.", 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 16, 'Start': 0, 'Text': "Octavia Butler's"}], 'Name': "Octavia Butler's"}, {'Label': 'ORG', 'Matches': [{'End': 58, 'Start': 41, 'Text': 'Ursula K. Le Guin'}], 'Name': 'Ursula K. Le Guin'}, {'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 76, 'Start': 60, 'Text': 'Samuel R. Delany'}], 'Name': 'Samuel R. Delany'}, {'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 93, 'Start': 82, 'Text': 'Joanna Russ'}], 'Name': 'Joanna Russ'}], 'intent': "The subject is stating that Octavia Butler's contemporaries included Ursula K. Le Guin, Samuel R. Delany, and Joanna Russ."}}, 'token_count': 27} 0.8523831524040919
{'uuid': 'e346f02b-f854-435d-b6ba-fb394a416b9b', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.556587Z', 'role': 'human', 'content': 'Who was Octavia Butler?', 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 22, 'Start': 8, 'Text': 'Octavia Butler'}], 'Name': 'Octavia Butler'}], 'intent': 'The subject is asking for information about the identity or background of Octavia Butler.'}}, 'token_count': 8} 0.8236355436055457
{'uuid': '42ff41d2-c63a-4d5b-b19b-d9a87105cfc3', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.578022Z', 'role': 'ai', 'content': 'Octavia Estelle Butler (June 22, 1947 – February 24, 2006) was an American science fiction author.', 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 22, 'Start': 0, 'Text': 'Octavia Estelle Butler'}], 'Name': 'Octavia Estelle Butler'}, {'Label': 'DATE', 'Matches': [{'End': 37, 'Start': 24, 'Text': 'June 22, 1947'}], 'Name': 'June 22, 1947'}, {'Label': 'DATE', 'Matches': [{'End': 57, 'Start': 40, 'Text': 'February 24, 2006'}], 'Name': 'February 24, 2006'}, {'Label': 'NORP', 'Matches': [{'End': 74, 'Start': 66, 'Text': 'American'}], 'Name': 'American'}], 'intent': 'The subject is providing information about Octavia Estelle Butler, who was an American science fiction author.'}}, 'token_count': 31} 0.8206687242257686
{'uuid': '2f6d80c6-3c08-4fd4-8d4e-7bbee341ac90', 'created_at': '2023-07-09T19:23:16.618947Z', 'role': 'ai', 'content': 'Octavia Butler won the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the MacArthur Fellowship.', 'metadata': {'system': {'entities': [{'Label': 'PERSON', 'Matches': [{'End': 14, 'Start': 0, 'Text': 'Octavia Butler'}], 'Name': 'Octavia Butler'}, {'Label': 'WORK_OF_ART', 'Matches': [{'End': 33, 'Start': 19, 'Text': 'the Hugo Award'}], 'Name': 'the Hugo Award'}, {'Label': 'EVENT', 'Matches': [{'End': 81, 'Start': 57, 'Text': 'the MacArthur Fellowship'}], 'Name': 'the MacArthur Fellowship'}], 'intent': 'The subject is stating that Octavia Butler received the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the MacArthur Fellowship.'}}, 'token_count': 21} 0.8199012397683285